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Our social media channels are monitored from 8:30AM –16:30PM Monday –Friday, excluding Bank Holidays. We are available to assist with your Tyne Tunnels queries. To speak to a member of the customer service team please call 0191 574 0031
Community Guidelines: Please note that we do not condone inappropriate language on our social media platforms, as such, these comments will be removed. This includes:
•Language that is offensive e.g. Discriminative of a particular group, containing crude or suggestive language and expletives.
•Threatening e.g. Threats made towards a member of staff, member of the public, or to business operations.
•Spam e.g. Repetition of a message that is notseeking resolution.
•False information e.g. Sharing false information about the business or its employees.
We reserve the right to remove any users who mistreat these platformsand prevent genuine queries from being addressed in a timely manner. If you would like to discuss matters with a member of the team please contact us.