How to Set Up Auto Top-up on The App

This is the guide to set up Auto Top-up on the Tyne Tunnels app. To see the guide on how to set up Auto Top-up on our website click here.

Step 1 – Click the “Payment” tab and then the “Top Up” button.

Step 2 – Click the “Setup Auto Top-up” button.

Step 3 – Set a threshold for when your balance drops below that amount, to have the Auto Top-up triggered.
Secondly, set the amount you want your account to top up by when that amount is hit.
Note: “When my account reaches” must be £5 or above, and “Top-Up By” must be £10 or above.

Step 4 – Select the card to use to top-up when the Auto Top-up is triggered. You must have a saved card in order to use Auto Top-up.

You’ve now set up Auto Top-up on your account!

You will receive email confirmation of when an Auto Top-up transaction has been complete and if any errors occurred and the payment was unsuccessful.

Want to change or delete your Auto Top-up rule?

Click the “Manage Auto Top-up” button on the Top-up page in order to manage your Auto Top-up rule.